Free-Thinking Mystic with Hands

Covering a wide of array of subjects, including Progressive Politics, Philosophy, Well-Being, Happiness, Constructive Thinking, Decision-Making, Sociology of Knowledge, the Social Construction of Reality, Meaning, Self-Improvement and Development, Sociology of Science, Sociology of Religion, Social Psychology, Sociology of Social Movements, Holistic Health, Nutrition, Critical Thinking.* (*To me they are all related.)

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Location: San Diego, CA, United States

Freelance Sociologist, Wellness Consultant, and Philosophical & Spiritual Counselor

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Idealism Is Not Dead

Nor can it die if democracy and its principles are to survive. This theme is all too well illustrated in the reality-based movie The Youngest Candidate, by Jason Pollock. Check out his website and see the trailer below. I don't know about you, but that's what gets me up in the morning-- the hope that that kind of idealism can prevail.

Friday, February 20, 2009

In Politics, as in Life (and Love), Authenticity is the Best Policy

The new Republican Chairman has simply not been "keepin' it real." That's what Professor Melissa Harris-Lacewell of Princeton University concludes on yesterday's Rachel Maddow Show, and you can watch it here.

The new Obama Presidential administration strongly makes claims for principles like accountability, transparency, openness, and authenticity. It is the sine quo non of good, solid, long-term relationships. Although likely necessary, it is probably not sufficient. Furthermore, John Gottman's 30+ years of scientific research on marriage makes it clear the what is considered an optimal level of authenticity varies with the marriage's conflict resolution style.


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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The best, most over-looked line of the debate...

(Hat tip to Viva Rachel Maddow)

What does politics have to do with life, love, health...?

Only everything. Even if you are not a political animal, politics affects, as many are finding out. Even if you don't vote, if the economy tanks, then you are affected. And political policies make a huge difference in the economy.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

21st Century S.E.X. Ed

A truly holistic and inclusive approach to helping our teens understand their sexuality.

read more | digg story

Friday, May 4, 2007

Excellent new John Edwards ad on the war

Americablog's John Aravosis likes the idea behind the ad. Hopefully the ad (to which you can add your own video snippet for possible public viewing) and its promotion will help end this sad war.

read more | digg story

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Cognitive Therapy Allows American War Hero to Articulate the Horrors of Being Held Captive by the Americans in Iraq

"‘I want you to pretend you are a soldier who has been kidnapped, and that you still have a duty to do. Memorize everything you can about everything that happens to you. Make it like you are a spy on the inside.’ I think he called it rational emotive behavioral therapy, and I started doing that.”

Read the full NYT article here. He will receive The Ridenhour Truth-Telling Prize .

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